JustSmile guarantee

We believe in high quality service and therefore also have a superior guarantee policy.


Guarantee on the planned result
Initially you will discuss your treatment plan with the dentist and also be able to see a 3D visualization. If the final result does not match the visualization by 90%, you are entitled to a free refinement with new aligners.
10 years guarantee on the tooth position
After you have completed your aligner treatment, we recommend a wire retainer to keep your teeth in position. We guarantee the position of your teeth and the wire retainer for 10 years. If the position changes despite the wire retainer, you will receive a free treatment and a new wire retainer to achieve the desired result.


Guarantee on Veneers
Our veneers are made of high quality ceramic shells and should not get damaged or come loose under normal circumstances (accidents, poor oral health etc. excluded). If they do anyway within a certain period of time, we will replace your veneers free of charge.

Gurantee policy


We strive to achieve the planned result, always taking into account the limitations of your facial anatomy or other medical reasons. Marginal differences to the planned result are possible.
It is a prerequisite that you strictly adhere to the treatment plan and its rules, and wear your aligner for at least 22 hours a day.
We do not provide a guarantee in case of exceptional circumstances such as accidents, poor oral health, other interventions by medical or non-medical practices and other.
The guarantee on the tooth position only applies if a fixed wire retainer (applied by JustSmile) is worn after the treatment. In the event of damage to the retainer, you must contact our practice within 7 days to have it repaired or obtain a replacement.


Our guarantee assures you our veneers are durable and professionally applied.
If our veneers break or come off when no external force is applied we will replace them free of charge.
We do not provide a guarantee in case of exceptional circumstances such as accidents, poor oral health, interventions by other dental practices and other.

Valid as of 01.12.2023  /  Detailed warranty conditions can be found in the General Terms and Conditions (GTC).

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Frequently asked questions

You still have questions? Please read our FAQ's or come see us at our practice!

Crowding occurs when the teeth do not have enough space next to each other in an arch. In addition to aesthetic problems, this discrepancy makes it more difficult to clean the teeth and can lead to gum inflammation, tartar and tooth decay more easily than with a normal set of teeth.

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In contrast to crowded teeth, a gap dentition is when the available space is larger than the teeth need. Most often a gap is formed between the two upper incisors, called diastema, but it can also occur in posterior regions.

The plaque that easily sticks in the gaps can lead to gingivitis and tooth decay.

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An open bite is when the upper and lower incisors do not come into contact in a closed position. It can be hereditary or acquired. In childhood, prolonged pacifier sucking, finger sucking, tongue thrust swallowing and mouth breathing can all be predisposing factors.

Open bites can cause not only aesthetic problems but also chewing and speech difficulties.

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Crossbite can affect a single tooth or even whole groups of teeth.

  • Anterior crossbite is when the lower teeth bite in front of the upper teeth.
  • Lateral crossbite is when the upper teeth bite inwards more than ideal because of a narrower upper jaw or wider lower jaw.

This can result in asymmetry, speech and joint problems and abnormal tooth wear.

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