Valid as of 01.12.2023 / Detailed warranty conditions can be found in the General Terms and Conditions (GTC).
To achieve the desired result according to your treatment plan, you should wear your aligner 22 hours a day and only remove it for eating, drinking, dental care, etc.
Treatment takes place in steps. One set of aligners is needed for each step. One step usually lasts 2 weeks. Your dentist can sometimes adjust the length of step as needed.
Most people experience a feeling of pressure, pulling, discomfort or slight pain for a few days after changing the aligner. It's natural and it means that the aligner works and moves your teeth to the right place. This feeling gradually disappears after a few days. If not, consult with your dentist.
Like any orthodontic treatment, aligners can temporarily affect your speech and you may speak with a slight lisp for a day or two. When your tongue gets used to the presence of the aligner in your mouth, the subtle lisp usually disappears.