The JustSmile Experience

JustSmile offers treatments completely pain free and at affordable prices.

How it works

Aligners & Veneers
Book your free consultation online and come visit us at our central location - No waiting time.
Our dental team will first carry out a general health check of your teeth, inform you about your options and take a 3D scan (digital impression) of your teeth. Minimally invasive treatment and pain-free!
Our dentist will explain your treatment plan, supported by a visualization of the journey from start to the end result. We will ask for a one-off payment for the treatment planning, but once you sign the treatment contract the amount will be credited back to you.
Our dental team will take good care of you during the whole journey (usually between 3 and 12 months) and will make sure that the desired result is achieved. At the end of active treatment, your teeth are held in their new position with the help of a retainer.

1. Book your appointment

2. Consultation & 3D scan

3. Treatment plan

4. Treatment & result

How it works

Aligners & Veneers

1. Book your appointment

Book your free consultation online and come visit us at our central location - No waiting time.

2. Consultation & 3D scan

Our dental team will first carry out a general health check of your teeth, inform you about your options and take a 3D scan (digital impression) of your teeth. Minimally invasive treatment and pain-free!

3. Treatment plan

Our dentist will explain your treatment plan showing a visualization of the journey as well as the expected end result.

4. Treatment & result

Our dental team will take good care of you during the whole journey (usually between 3 and 12 months) and will make sure that the desired result is achieved. At the end of active treatment, your teeth are held in their new position with the help of a retainer.

Treatment plan visual

There are one or more visualizations of the treatment for each case.

Why choose us

Exquisite Smiles.
Exceptional Care.

Fair prices

Monthly payment option - High quality at affordable prices.

Product quality

Swiss product design manufactured locally with latest technology.


Our dental professionals accompany you throughout the whole journey.

Invisible & pain-free

Our treatments are minimally invasive and pain-free. We barely have to touch your teeth - in 2024 technology does the magic!
Our guarantee

We stand for outstanding quality and your satisfaction is the key to our success. That's why we give you a 10-year guarantee on your treatment. Learn more!

Virtual monitoring

For tourists, people that work/travel abroad, irregular working hours, busy schedules, digital nomads and others.

With the help of the ScanBox from DentalMonitoring you do not have to come see the dentist regularly in person after the initial appointments (consultation & 3D scan, treatment start), but we can monitor the progress of your aligner treatment virtually. This is especially convenient for people living outside Hungary who would like to do the treatment with JustSmile, but only come visit our practice during a single stay. It also favoured by people with busy schedules, digital nomads and other.


Virtual monitoring of your aligner treatment from the comfort of your home
Only few in-practice visits
Easy to handle self-scanning process with the ScanBox for your smartphone
Constant supervision by our dentists
Aligners sent directly to your private address
Top rated clinic
Read all reviews
Book your appointment online and visit us for a free consultation!
Free consultation

Frequently asked questions

You still have questions? Please read our FAQ's or come see us at our practice!

IPR (interproximal reduction), also known as stripping, is actually a minimal reduction in the width of the teeth. This is necessary when you want to create space for the teeth to be properly aligned within an arch. This way, malocclusion can be resolved without the need for tooth extraction. IPR is a very common and well-established technique in orthodontic treatment. It is important to emphasize that it does not cause any problems later on and does not reduce the life and resistance of the teeth.

Until the small gap is closed during the treatment, great emphasis should be placed on thoroughly cleaning the resulting space using dental cleaning brushes, which our colleagues will teach you during the treatment.

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  • Mezialization is an orthodontic procedure in which the teeth are moved along the occlusal plane towards the midline of the jawbone. The aim of the procedure is to improve the bite and the aesthetics of the dentition.
  • Distalization involves moving the teeth towards the back of the jaw (distal direction). This procedure is often used in cases where space needs to be created in a crowded, protruding or functionally inadequate dentition.
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In some cases a refinement might be required to achieve the desired result. A refinement usually includes a new 3D scan and additional aligners.

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A retainer is a device that keeps your teeth in position after your treatment. We offer two types of retainers:

  1. Wire retainer: We recommend a bonded wire retainer as it is the most effective at preventing your teeth from moving out of their new position. Wire retainers can last up to 20 years or more, and our JustSmile retainer has a 10-year guarantee.
  2. Splint retainer: The splint retainer is similar to an aligner, but usually has more layers and is thicker. It only prevents your teeth from shifting out of their new position, if you wear them at least during night.
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