Solution → Veneers
Solution → Veneers
Solution → Veneers or crowns
Solution → Crowns
Solution → Bridge
Solution → Veneers
Permanent veneers can be applied to irreversibly discoloured teeth, which not only help your teeth to look beautiful in terms of colour, but also allow the shape of the teeth to be adjusted according to your preferences.
Solution → Veneers
Ceramic veneers provide an aesthetic solution for irregular or chipped teeth, offering the most natural-looking result possible over the long term with minimal tooth loss.
Solution → Veneers or crowns
If you suffer from aesthetic problems caused by tooth enamel or anatomically small teeth, or if you have gaps, a ceramic veneer or crown may be the solution for you.
Solution → Crowns
Unfortunately, after root canal treatment, or when having a large filling, the tooth can become very fragile. A crown can be a solution to this problem, not only providing an aesthetic appearance but also preserving the functionality of the tooth.
Solution → Bridge
If tooth loss persists over time, there is a risk that adjacent teeth will soon tilt sideways - which is not just an aesthetic problem. The bite and other teeth can also be affected, which can be solved with a precisely fitting bridge.
Bei richtiger Pflege halten Keramikschalen 10-15 Jahre, während Kompositschalen in der Regel 5-7 Jahre halten.
Veneers müssen genauso gepflegt werden wie natürliche Zähne: regelmäßiges Zähneputzen, Verwendung von Zahnseide und regelmäßige zahnärztliche Untersuchungen sind erforderlich.
Die Preise können je nach gewähltem Material erheblich variieren, wobei Keramikschalen im Allgemeinen teurer sind als Kompositschalen.
Beim Anbringen der Veneers ist es in der Regel erforderlich, ein Minimum an Zahnschmelz von der Zahnoberfläche zu entfernen, um Platz für die Schale zu schaffen. Dadurch werden die Zähne jedoch nicht wesentlich geschwächt.